An Update From The Bubble

Ok, I think it’s fair to say I’ve been a little, um, relaxed, yep, let’s call it that when it comes to this blog over 2020.

Being couped up at home pretty much since mid March has had a definite impact on my creativity and any desire to write. But I’m still here and all in all Crazy Cat Boy and I are doing ok.

Highlights of the past few months. Well, as of last week I’m the proud holder of a Post Graduate Certificate and have been formally accepted into the Masters program. Never thought I’d hold a University qualification, let alone be doing my Masters.

We’ve both held on to our jobs and we generally get along pretty well. Plus we love where we live and have plenty of space to move around.

Oh, and my hair is now so long I purchased a curling wand! And before you ask, yes, having not used one since the 90’s I absolutely managed to burn myself. LOL

Low lights have been… I’m so bored and seriously lacking in motivation. I’m also very unfit and feeling it. To top it off I’m not sure if some of what I’m feeling is from being unfit or if it’s menopause, because on top of our little COVID issue, Australia is out of my contraceptive pill and it’s not due back in stock until October or possibly November. For someone who’s been in charge of their body since they were 17, this is a big change for me. Not the end of the world, there are alternatives, and let’s face it, being as I am in my, *cough* “extremely late* early 40’s“, the pregnancy risk is exceptionally low. However, I feel not quite myself. Yes, I could get a different prescription for the few months, but I’ve had problems in the past with different pills and this was initially only going to be a 2 month issue, which is turning into a 6 month stretch.

Reality is, like most of the world I’m in limbo and feeling out of sorts. I’m kind of mourning 2020 as I had a lot of plans that I can’t act on. Mind you, this is all minor stuff compared to what hundred’s of thousands of people around the world are going through, so ignore my pity party of one over here. šŸ˜‰

So there you have it, my COVID experience in a nutshell. I hope you are all well out there. Stay safe and healthy good internet peeps.

* 49 counts as extremely late early 40’s in my book ok! šŸ˜‰

It’s Been A While

I’m here, I promise!Ā  It’s been a bit on the crazy side since I last checked in, she says tongue in cheek.Ā  šŸ˜‰

Well, so much for my WOTY ā€œDoā€!Ā  Everything that was on my do list is closed ATM. LOL

However, in this crazy time Crazy Cat Boy and I are ok.Ā  Heā€™s working from home in my office (ok, thatā€™s getting old if Iā€™m being honest ā€“ heā€™s loud and Iā€™m fussy), but we are lucky to both still be working full time, something that could still change but I know both our companies are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

Uni is going well, Iā€™m just about finished the last assignment of unit 2 and Iā€™m pretty pleased with my results so far.Ā  Itā€™s lots of work but Iā€™m learning and being challenged.

Being stuck at home is somewhat frustrating, but itā€™s for the greater good.Ā  We were lucky that we naturally hold stock of essential items and Iā€™ve been preserving our fruits and veggies, so plenty of staples to see us through any real crazy times.

What Iā€™ve learnt from all this is that I really do need to take my WOTY seriousā€¦ so many people are going stir crazy about isolation, but my world really hasnā€™t changed, and it needs to once we are out the other side of this.Ā  Iā€™ve become to isolated.Ā  So out the other side of this more ā€œDOINGā€ for me!

The reality is that Iā€™m incredibly lucky, I found my tribe when I was young and have been blessed to add a handful of amazing people to my life over the journey.Ā  However, I donā€™t live near and experience the day to day with them, havenā€™t for 20 years.Ā  I think this has become clearer to me over the past few months, as Iā€™d fallen back into a nice rhythm where work took me Interstate, so that Super Sammie was pretty much a normal part of my social life again, and Cousin Wendy moved to my city so we were catching up often F2F for the first time in years as well.Ā  Now itā€™s all stopped! Both are trapped on their side of State borders and so am I.

Mind you, I donā€™t think they have time to miss me at all, these women are phenomenal! Ā Super Sammie is supervising her 3 school aged kids, doing Zoom gym classes and running her blog. Cousin Wendy is trying to keep her hospitality business afloat on her own, while her partner is in my State trying to keep his new business open as well.Ā  Crazy times, but these amazingly strong women will come out the other side of this with new skills and an increased determination to succeed.

Wow, that really was a rambling musing wasnā€™t it?Ā  I think I better sign off now before it gets worse!Ā  Stay healthy and happy good internet peeps.


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OMG team, I had to share… just got my first assignment results back from my post grad journey and I PASSED!!


I was terrified I wouldn’t as I’ve never studied at this level before and was seriously beginning to think I wasn’t nearly as smart as I thought I was and that I’d be embarrassed in front of those people who knew I was studying.Ā Ā  But, I got a nice, solid, dependable high credit.Ā  I would have been happy with a straight pass, but now I’m wondering if I have a distinction inside of me LOL.

That’s it for now, nothing much else to report.Ā  Still not drinking, work ramping up, fitness still not quite there (I’ve discovered a strength issue with my right knee that needs work), but all is tracking along ok.

Stay happy and healthy all.

10 Things I Missed Out On By Quitting Booze For A Year

Everyone writes about all the life life changing and affirming stuff that giving up the “demon drink”, brings.Ā  The internet is full of positive, uplifting, fluffy cloud, I achieved my life goals stuff.Ā  So here’s some of the stuff that no one tells you you’ll miss out on doing when you quit drinking.Ā  I’ve not done any of the below in the last 12 months…

  1. I never didn’t put the bins out
  2. I haven’t forgotten to put theĀ  leftover dinner “cooling” in the microwave in the fridge instead of finding it the next morning when it’s ruined.
  3. I’ve not been to bed unsure of why I’m mad at Crazy Cat Boy.Ā  Sure, I still went to be mad at him, we’ve been together over 20 years, but I’ve known why.Ā  He might not have, but I was across it!Ā  šŸ˜‰
  4. I’ve not cleaned the toilet to make sure it was less disgusting to throw up into later that night (That’s not weird at all right???)
  5. I’ve not bulk purchased vitamin B pills (my go to hangover prevention method)
  6. I’ve not woken up to a disaster zone kitchen as I’ve been capable of cleaning it the night before going to bed.
  7. I’ve not had to plan advanced logistics to get to and from any event.Ā  I’ve just jumped in the car and gone wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
  8. I’ve not looked at an email and been incapable of responding because I was hungover and unable to “deal”.Ā  Any inability/desire to not respond was purely based on the inconceivable stupidity of what I was reading and my clear decision not to exacerbate the situation.
  9. I’ve never forgotten to water the garden
  10. I’ve not woken up thinking “This has to stop”

Yeah, ok, this wasn’t the post you thought it was going to be was it?Ā  But, kudos to you, you made it through.Ā  So, if you want to know the truth and give booze a rest, it can only bring good things, even if it’s the “stuff” you miss out on.Ā  šŸ˜‰

One Year No Booze!

action alcohol art beverage

Photo by Posawee Suwannaphati on

Well, who’d have thunk it, I actually did the whole of 2019 with no wine!

Was it hard? Sometimes.

Was it worth it? Yes!

What did I learn? Lots, but mostly that I have way more time than I thought.

Was I treated differently? Sometimes, by surprising people.

Will I continue? Possibly.

That’s a pretty succinct wrap up of 365 long days LOL, so let me expand on this a little….

Was it hard?

Sometimes, yes absolutely.Ā  The first 6 weeks were the toughest though.Ā  Once I was through that it was more about just saying no and waiting out any desire.Ā  The most challenging times… Friday nights, but probably more from a lack of anything else to do than really missing booze.Ā  Mind you there were a couple of days where I’d have killed forĀ  drink when work was driving me nuts.

Interestingly towards the end of the year (Christmas mostly) I was being ask this exact question by a lot of people who seemed genuinely interested and slightly terrified of the answer.

The reality is that not drinking itself is pretty simple.Ā  All you need to do is not drink, it’s one thing.Ā  It’s not like learning a new skill like driving or cooking where you need to master multiple things.

Was It Worth It?

Yep, no question.Ā  I’m lighter mentally, richer financially, calmer, more focused and my eyes are damn white!Ā  LOL.Ā  My bins get put out, I’ve not killed anyone and I’ve made some decisions that will impact the rest of my life this year.Ā  Oh, and Crazy Cat Boy has had major life improvements over the year as well.

What Did I Learn

I drink when I’m bored.Ā  Hands down, no question.Ā  Because I wasn’t doing anything productive with my time I was filling it with drinking instead. And as a kicker, drinking because I was bored only made me boring, a vicious cycle of poor me, I have no life.Ā  Fun stuff hey, what a way to live – NOT! šŸ˜‰

So, to combat that in 2020 (and freaking beyond), because I’m clearly an all or nuthin’ kind of girl, I finally signed up to start my Masters (note the life changing impact from above para). I’ve been whining about it for close to 10 years and how it’s expensive and I probably won’t get the monetary ROI from it given my age, but stuff it, I want to do it, I’ll enjoy it, it’ll terrify me, and it’ll keep me from pointless drinking – I won’t have time to waste!

Was I Treated Differently?

Not by anyone who matters to me.Ā  However from casual acquaintances and business associates I’ve encountered everything from confusion, slight awe, poorly disguised disdain (screw ’em, they don’t count) and convenience.

The last one is odd, everything from “great you can drive, here’s my keys” to “oh, as you aren’t drinking we’ve decided to put you in the dangerous seat because you are less likely to fall off the platform and hurt yourself”!Ā  Ā The last one was really weird and actually pretty insulting given that it came from one of the event hosts who set up the dangerous situation… almost a we’ve done a risk assessment and decided that you’re the guest who can be most inconvenienced by this!

Will I Continue?

Maybe, I’m still tossing up.Ā  The year has been over for 6 days now and I’ve only once had the urge and that was Saturday afternoon…. the cricket was on TV, Crazy Cat Boy was playing video games and I was…. yep, you guessed it – Bored!Ā  The reality is I’ll continue at least until the end of February as I’ve got a couple of really busy months, including starting my Masters.Ā  Crazy Cat Boy is also toying with the idea of staying permanently on the wagon, which is unexpected, but great for him if he decides to do it.

So, that’s it, my year without wine wrap up.Ā  It’s been a great experience and I’m very pleased I’ve done it.Ā  I’ll do a separate post with the things I didn’t do because I wasn’t drinking in a day or so.

Stay healthy and happy good internet people.

Why Can’t My Grout Be As Dry As I Am?

hair dryer

Sigh, damp grout in that damn ensuite shower AGAIN!Ā  Ā Mind you, if that’s my biggestĀ  problem I’m doing okĀ  šŸ˜‰

So work’s still crazy, life here is trollying along, the girl cat is being adorable and very much in the way as I type this (typical, haven’t seen a cat all day, go to do something and there one is!) and my year booze free is coming to an end.Ā  I’m seriously considering keeping life alcohol free.Ā  I’ve gotten so much done this year, and come to understand a few truths (hard and otherwise) about myself and my life.Ā  I must admit, never waking up feeling “off” or down right wishing I was dead has been very nice – think our household has used one pack of Panadol all year and we are wildly overstocked with my go to hangover prevention Vitamin B tablets (usually bought in bulk from Costco).

In a nutshell, I miss a good sparkling but I don’t miss the killer hangover (which I understand menopause will make worse)!Ā  Ā Not to mention the bucket load of money saved, or, rather spent on more productive things like the house and garden.

Regardless of where I land drinking wise, I’ve come alongĀ  way from that wildly hungover, irrational* morning last year where I threatened to sell the house and move over the leaking suite!Ā  LOL

Right, I’m back off to move the hairdryer to another grout line. Wish me luck in getting and staying dry! Stay happy and healthy good internet peeps.

*And I don’t want to return to that state either.



Learning To Fly

Before anyone ducks and panics, no, it’s not me learning to fly! LOL.Ā  It’s spring and that means fledgling birds. In my case 3 bumbly, fluffy magpie chicks who’s parents have decided that our back yard is the perfect place to raise their family*

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve spent hours watching** these guys go from taking all day to fly out of our yard (There’s been lots of sleeping in the sun, tucked into the mulch in our garlic bed to help recruit their strength and playing chasey with each other; which is completely adorable to watch), to this morning where after noisy chirping for mum and dad to come and feed them, they are now flying easily in unison over the neighbourhood.

By next week they will have lost most of their fluff and be nearly full grown, independent birds who have mastered all the skills they need for life.Ā  If only we humans could do the same, things would be so much easier, dull but easier.Ā  However, if we are lucky, we continue to learn all of our lives, uncovering more layers and skills that help us live fuller lives.

I’m sure there was a point to this post, but I’ve stopped while writing to answer some emails and I’ve lost my train of thought (typical!).Ā  So, I’ll wish you all a great Friday and say that this weekend, take the time and do something that brings you as much joy as playing tug o war with a garlic leaf brings to two baby magpies!

*This is despite the cats, who thanks to constant swooping by said parents are now to traumatised to go into their own yard… they just sit at the door and look upon the outsideĀ  while twitching when they hear a bird. Brave they are not!

**My office window looks into the backyard so I’ve also been working I promise šŸ˜‰

Shame and Depression…

… went jeans shopping on the weekend, ‘nuf said!

Sigh, if only the Australian retail market catered for everyone like the USA, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be feeling like this.Ā  I’ve never been what you’d call a standard size when it comes to jeans, so I wear what I’ve got for as long as I can, and the point is coming where I won’t be able to go out in public!Ā  LOL.

While I’ve apparently shrunk in size (the last time I shopped all jeans were made for statuesque super models and required anywhere from 10 – 15 cm taken off the bottom, and I’m not paying $$$ for something only to pay more to have them actually fit me).Ā  This time, while I’m the correct height for fashion, apparently my thighs are not on spec and I’ll need to have a rib or two removed to allow the inaccurately named waistband to do up.Ā  God help me if I wanted to digest something, that would have to wait until undressing!

So after this weekends depressing* event I’m going to try and eek out my last precious few pairs of American Eagle Outfitter jeans for a whole year until I hit the USA next October.

And as if the above is not tragic enough, in a few months Super Sammie and I are heading to Bali and that requires bathers –Ā  Oh the horror!!Ā  Wish me luck!


* I’m using the word depression tongue in cheek here, however I’d like to acknowledge that depression is a very real and serious condition that impacts a lot of people.Ā  If you think you might be suffering, please speak to someone, there is help out there.


It’s Days like Today…

… that make me eternally thankful that I’m not dealing with it all hungover and foggy!

Nothing earth shattering, the world will continue to turn, but my work life is conspiring against me today. But instead of throwing all my toys out of the cot, I can simply respond calmly (well, I calmed down after a cup of tea if I’m honest), and effectively to fix the issues.

So, how’s things in everyone’s world?Ā  Happy and healthy I hope!

PS: Is anyone else loving the mocktail game being brought by bars and restaurants ATM?Ā  Standards are pretty high here in Melbourne.Ā  Mind you we are the hipster capital of the world (are hipsters still a “thing?”, I’m way old LOL), so I’m not surprised.


It’s amazing what a difference a carrot can make.

orange carrot

Photo by Zun Zun on

Well, it wasn’t just a carrot, but I’m sure the carrot played a part in pulling me out of my last post pity party.Ā  After re reading my post I decided that I really didn’t have life to waste on feeling like that, so I put my big girl pants on (literally, my others are tight, so I had to put the larger ones on), went for a walk after work, made myself a healthy dinner (see carrot above) and ran a bath.Ā  I also took myself off to bed early and today life seems so much better.

As I was laying in bed this morning planning the structure of this post, with the purringĀ  girl cat under the quilt, wedged up against me like a small vibrating heat pad (something that my already super heated peri menopausal body didn’t need LOL), I thought about how lucky I am to have my health, both physically and mentally when so many aren’t given that option. So from here on out, I’ll try to keep it positive and keep myself moving forward while remembering to take care of what I have.

Thanks for all the well wishes after the last post, it does make a difference.Ā  Stay healthy and happy!