Best “Chick Flick” Ever!

Crazy Cat Boy dragged me very unenthusiastically to see Marvel’s latest offering, apparently it’s a “must see” before the final Avengers Movie comes out.

So with an eye roll I settled down into the comfy cinema (wow, have cinema’s changed over the past few years or what? Talk about fancy!) and braced myself for a two hour, loud, super hero’s fight em’, boy movie.

I. Was. Wrong!

Captain Marvel is every super hero that I wanted to be as a kid, hell, she was even an ace pilot*!  And she got to go to space, and she could  fight, and she dressed cool, and she had an even cooler BFF… I might have been seriously crushing on this character by the end of the movie, can you tell?  LOL

Along with that, the plot was very good, it tied up a lot of loose ends and gave some historical context to important parts of the Marvel universe.   All in all, my review is Five Stars.  If you are looking for the ultimate chick flick, this is it.  Take your BFF, your daughters/nieces/grand daughters and show them girls really can do anything they want… Captain Marvel sure did.  😉

Ok, movie review done, it’s back to work… I ran into the EGM at my clients this morning, A Day is very close, he even had the comms plan in his hand!

Stay happy and sober everyone.

*Actually, I wanted to be the female Starbuck in the original Battlestar Galactica** series, long before Katee Sackhoff took on the role in the reboot.  I even looked at joining the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force), but they didn’t let girls fly fighters then so I didn’t see the point.  Mind you my ambition at 15 far outweighed my science and maths skills, so I might have hit a snag anyway!  LOL

**If you were a fan, don’t go back and re watch it, it has NOT stood the test of time!  I’ve suffered so you don’t have to, you’re welcome.  😉